воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Forum realestatemanager


For realestate manager Title check this:
ow in Real estate manager we automatically show page title depend from property title.

we did that with help Function(there are you may change):

find Function addTitleAndMetaTags in php file and change browser title

This file:

(in this file you must find "static function addTitleAndMetaTags();"
and change $rem = "RealEstate Manager)

or you may instal sh404sef component - with it help - you may set self title for every page

!!!Note: Before make any changes, please make the backup of your file!!!

You can not change or clear the House view backgrounds from admin area. For this need change code, and we need see where you see that: background goes white hiding..

Need link on your website to check this.

Ordasoft team

Hi I am having problems changing the main logo width, I have changed in backend but nothing happens, when I check with firefox CSS viewer it has a max-width of 170px but cant find the code in the CSS file how do i change this please.

How to install sh404SEF plugin for Real Estate Manager component

This extension file for sh404SEF (sh404SEF native plugin) enables generation of Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs for software RealEstateManager component on all Joomla versions based sites


In the folder /components/com_realestatemanager create a subfolder sef_ext, like this: /components/com_realestatemanager/sef_ext
Now using FTP or similar, drop the file com_realestatemanager.php into that sef_ext directory
Next, in the sh404SEF control panel, go to the [By Component] tab
Set RealEstateManager to [Do not override]
Now you have very nice SEF URL's for RealEstateManager in the frontend.

Re:How to install sh404SEF plugin for RealEstate 6 Months, 1 Week agoKarma: 44  

Last steps
[4] Go to BackEnd->Components->sh404SEF->ControlPanel->Configuration->sh404SEF_Configuration->ByComponent
[5] Set RealEstateManager to [Use sh404SEF plugin if available]

are not actual for last version of plugin, which you have.

You instal SH404SEF component and install plugin, as you made. Then in Joomla Global Configuration set in SEO Search Engine Friendly URLs - NO and in sh404SEF set Enable URL optimization - YES.

Before you had for example URL:

with plugin localhost/~taras/Update/index.php/141/alone_category/47/Sedan.html

Move in this way.

2) It is not possible with sef plugin to make the url shorter.

OrdaSoft team.


In file

find function saveHouse

in it

    $post = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);

replace to

   $post = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);

OrdaSoft team

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