вторник, 17 марта 2020 г.

Running Anki from a Flash Drive

if you have made a destructive change on one computer and have an undamaged copy on another computer, you may wish to start Anki without syncing in order to use the full sync option without first downloading the changes. Similarly, if you are experiencing problems with Anki, you might want to (or might be instructed to) disable add-ons temporarily to see if one might be causing the problem. You can do both of these things by holding down the Shift key while starting Anki.
It is possible to specify a custom folder location during startup. This is an advanced feature that is primarily intended to be used with portable installations, and we recommend you use the default location in most circumstances.
The syntax to specify an alternate folder is as follows:
anki -b /path/to/anki/folder
  • If you have multiple profiles, you can pass -p <name> to load a specific profile.
  • To change the interface language, use -l <iso 639-1 language code>, such as “-l ja” for Japanese.
If you always want to use a custom folder location, you can modify your shortcut to Anki. On Windows, right-click on the shortcut, choose Properties, select the Shortcut tab, and add “-b \path\to\data\folder” after the path to the program, which should leave you with something like
"C:\Program Files\Anki\anki.exe" -b "C:\AnkiDataFolder"
You can also use this technique with the -l option to easily use Anki in different languages.
On Windows, you should use a backslash (\) not a forward slash (/).
On a Mac there is no easy way to alter the behaviour when clicking on the Anki icon, but it is possibile to start Anki with a custom base folder from a terminal:
open /Applications/Anki.app --args -b ~/myankifolder

Running from a Flash Drive

On Windows, Anki can be installed on a USB / flash drive and run as a portable application. The following example assumes your USB drive is drive G.
  • Copy the \Program Files\Anki folder to the flash drive, so you have a folder like G:\Anki.
  • Create a text file called G:\anki.bat with the following text:
g:\anki\anki.exe -b g:\ankidata
If you would like to prevent the black command prompt window from remaining open, you can instead use:
start /b g:\anki\anki.exe -b g:\ankidata
  • Double-clicking on anki.bat should start Anki with the user data stored in G:\ankidata.
The full path including drive letter is required - if you try using \anki\anki.exe instead you will find syncing stops working.
Media syncing with AnkiWeb may not work if your flash drive is formatted as FAT32. Please format the drive as NTFS to ensure media syncs correctly.

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