пятница, 10 мая 2019 г.

Простой mp3 плеер для блога


Если Вам необходимо добавить аудиоматериалы (подкаст, музыка) на свой блог, то это можно сделать используя простенький flash mp3 плеер. Этот плеер представляет собой всего лишь маленькую кнопочку "play" около каждой прямой ссылки на mp3-файл. Установка и настройка этого плеера очень проста и под силу каждому.

Итак, для установки плеера в сообщение блога необходимо:
При создании сообщения перейти в режим Изменить HTML
Первой строкой сообщения вставить следующий код:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://googlepage.googlepages.com/player.js"></script>
Указать прямую ссылку на mp3-файл в интернете
<a href="http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/2/12/2318764/Music/Psyche_low.mp3" rel="nofollow">Psyche</a>

В результате возле каждого mp3-файла появится кнопка  при нажатии на которую начнётся воспроизведение аудио.

Лев Клейн. Полиглотом стать нетрудно

Лев Клейн
Лев Клейн
В этом году у меня вышли очередные пять книг и серия статей. Очевидно, не пустословных, если солидные издательства их охотно берут, а читатели раскупают. При этом я работаю один, нет у меня ни секретарей, ни подчиненных сотрудников, ни должностей, позволяющих использовать их труд как свой. Между тем я работаю много, регулярно, но не так уж безотрывно. Коллеги удивляются моей производительности, а фокус просто раскрывается: я долго жил, много работал и накопил много наработок и материалов, а также навыков спорой работы, вот теперь и пускаю их в ход. В числе факторов, способствующих этому, — знание языков. Книги, которые многим с трудом и корпением приходится переводить, я просто прочитываю или проглядываю.
Мне повезло: в семье я — второе университетское поколение. Родители были медиками, стало быть, владели латынью, говорили и на других языках. Но нас, детей, специально языкам не учили, учили музыке. Языки мы с юности осваивали сами: хотели иметь доступ к информации, которой власти нам не уделяли. Поэтому в школе обратили серьезное внимание на немецкий, а самостоятельно стали учить польский и английский. Почему польский? Потому что из «стран народной демократии» Польша была самой продвинутой к свободе, а польское радио не глушили и в магазинах продавались польские книги. И польский легче: близок к русскому и белорусскому, а белорусским мы владели. Английским овладевали после польского и немецкого. Языки пригождались не раз в жизни. На фронте меня фактически использовали как переводчика. Когда ходил без работы, подрабатывал переводами.
Образцом полиглота обычно приводят знаменитого археолога Генриха Шлимана. Он говорил на многих языках, но на всех плохо. Русский он учил по зубодробительной и архаичной поэме Тредиаковского. Даже прожив 20 лет в России, он говорил по-русски с уморительными ошибками. Свою греческую жену Софью называл в письмах в Россию «моя гомерическая жена». Подобные ошибки еще в России вызывали у его русских зятьев (братьев первой жены) гомерический хохот, когда он говорил, что хочет выступить в русской журналистике.
Программа самостоятельного изучения языка выработалась у меня постепенно на собственном опыте. Я описываю ее в своих мемуарах, а здесь повторю. Она основана на нескольких соображениях. Мы учим язык многие годы в школе и институте, и вне специальных школ мало кто усваивает больше, чем две-три расхожие фразы. А ребенок, не зная никакого языка, усваивает его за год — свободно! Значит, мы учим неправильно. Конечно, детский мозг приспособлен к такому усвоению, но ведь зато у нас, взрослых, есть разум, опыт и воля. Надо присмотреться к тому, как усваивает язык ребенок. Он не учит слов, не учит правил. Он запечатлевает целые фразы в приложении к конкретным ситуациям, а потом соображает, что отдельные слова в такой фразе можно заменять другими, и на ходу усваивает правила такой замены.
Сами слова запоминаются не изолированным заучиванием. Так запомнить их неимоверно трудно — попробуйте зазубрить страницу словаря! Но страницу осмысленного текста заучить уже легче, еще легче — стихи, а совсем легко — песню. Чем больше организованность текста, тем легче его заучить. Вот так и надо заучивать.
Рис. И. Кийко
Рис. И. Кийко
В языке минимум 200 тысяч слов — это когда же их заучишь! Но на деле мы никогда не используем всё богатство и родного языка. Мы не все слова его знаем (пассивный словарь любого человека меньше всего словаря языка), а еще меньше употребляем (наш активный словарь гораздо меньше пассивного). Мы не знаем, что значит слово «стоеросовый», но знаем, как его употребить. Словарь известных писателей — несколько десятков тысяч слов, активный словарь обычного человека — побольше словаря Эллочки-людоедки, но всё же всего несколько тысяч, пассивный — больше.
Для овладения языком знать весь словарь нам и не нужно. Лингвисты выяснили (об этом пишет замечательный исследователь и мой коллега по «Троицкому варианту» Р.М. Фрумкина), что если в каком-то тексте разрушено беспорядочно до 30% слов, то текст еще понятен, свыше 30% — уже непонятен. Но 70% текста — это не 70% словаря! Ведь слова повторяются, и есть слова, повторяемые очень часто. Созданы так называемые частотные словари языка — где слова расположены по их употребляемости (начиная с самых употребляемых). Так вот установлено, что 2000 самых употребляемых слов языка составляют 70% любого текста! Достаточно выучить эти 2000 слов — и любой текст понятен! При одном условии: что владеешь грамматикой этого языка.
Зная грамматику, можно понять очень многое в любой фразе. Академик Щерба придумал фразу, состоящую из совершенно бессмысленных (несуществующих) слов, но построенную по всем правилам русской грамматики, со всеми окончаниями: «Глокая куздра штеко будланула бокра и курдячит бокрёнка». Полная абракадабра. Но кто действует в этой фразе? Куздра. Какая куздра? Глокая. Сколько раз она будланула бокра? Один, иначе было бы: будлала. Кто такой бокрёнок? Конечно, детеныш бокра, и т. д.
Значит, выучить язык совсем не трудно. Нужно только освоить систему грамматики и рационально выучить нужную не столь уж большую часть словаря. Но для отчетливого понимания и хорошего впечатления нужно еще и правильное произношение.
Поэтому, приступая к языку, я начинал с освоения произношения. Для этого брал вузовский или другой учебник и фонозаписи — сейчас этого добра сколько угодно. Есть и радио. Хорошо использовать знающих знакомых, не откажут проверить.
Затем я принимался за грамматику. Я вычерчивал себе таблицы склонения и спряжения и тренировался в прогоне отдельных слов по этим схемам. Потом выискивал в учебниках упражнения, особенно построенные как модели-фразы, в которых нужно заменять те или иные «детали». Расчерчены таблицы, в которых фраза расписана по всем колонкам, а под каждым ее словом стоят те, которыми его можно заменить так, что смысл меняется.
Поработав так пару месяцев, я брал какую-нибудь интересную мне иностранную книгу (непременно интересную, чтобы тянуло к ней) и начинал со словарем переводить фразу за фразой, используя свои знания грамматики. Примерно трех месяцев перевода было достаточно, чтобы за многими словами уже не нужно было каждый раз лезть в словарь. У кого-то этот период может затянуться подольше — это зависит от времени, которое каждый может уделять занятиям: кто-то полчаса, кто-то два-три часа.
Особенно зависимость от словаря уменьшится, если предпринимать обратные переводы: сегодня с иностранного на русский, завтра — со своего русского перевода обратно на иностранный, и сверять.
Достигнув такого состояния, нужно сделать следующий шаг, психологически очень важный: отрыв от словаря. Откладываешь словарь в сторону и переводишь по догадке, а потом заполняешь по словарю пустые места. Теперь можно прочесть всю книгу до конца.
Одной-двух книг хватит, чтобы можно было свободно читать литературу. Но это еще не владение разговорным языком. Для освоения разговорной речи нужно учить иностранные тематические диалоги, смысл которых тебе понятен, наизусть. Учить их, как артист учит роль — представляя себя в данной ситуации. Если это сцена в ресторане, то разок мысля себя в роли официанта, другой — в роли посетителя. При этом менять некоторые слова, приспосабливая диалог к своей ситуации. Чем больше диалогов выучишь, тем больше будет диапазон твоих возможностей беседы. Да, возможности твои будут первоначально узки, но ведь ты и на русском не любую беседу можешь поддерживать. И я не любую.
Сперва тебе будет казаться, что вот занимаешься, занимаешься, а воз и ныне там. Но вдруг к тебе на улице обратился иностранец за помощью, ты понял и на вопрос его ответил, он спросил еще о чем-то — снова ответил. И вдруг понял, что разговариваешь!
Ну, есть еще дополнительные средства — заучивать в день по обиходной фразе из разговорника, учить песни, разработать себе систему повторений (повторить назавтра, потом через три дня, потом слегка через неделю). Но заниматься непременно каждый день. Впоследствии упражнять язык, особенно путем помощи иностранцам, переписки и самостоятельного сочинения своих выступлений, с которыми приходится выступать регулярно.
В понимании грамматических структур очень помогает возможность уловить аналогию с русским языком. Например, немецкий Perfekt сразу становится понятным, если подсказать, что он есть и в русском, то лько в просторечном диалекте. Например, когда малограмотная старушка говорит о сыне: «Он (есть) ушедши»Глагол-связка «есть» в русском опускается, в немецком и английском -нет. Что это значит? Что он ушел и еще не вернулся (то есть что действие глагола продолжается). Это типичный Perfekt: «Er ist gegangen». А если сказано: «Когда вы приходили в прошлый раз, он былушедши?» Это Plusquamperfekt (в английском Past Perfect).
Есть в русских диалектах и артикли, только они стоят не перед существительными, а после них. В провинции говорят: «Муж-от жену-ту бил, а дети-те плакали». Что это за -от, —ту-теЭто же типичные артикли: изменяются по родам и числам.
И еще одно замечание: второй иностранный усваивать вдвое легче, чем первый, а третий — в три раза легче. Потому что, во-первых, много общих слов, а во-вторых, подсознательно (а то и сознательно) усваиваются некие межъязыковые соответствия, грамматические схемы, общая структура языка, логика речи.
Словом, стать полиглотом не так уж трудно. Нужны только наблюдательность, систематичность и немножко нахальства.

среда, 1 мая 2019 г.

5 Tools to Delete or Replace Multiple Lines for All Files in a Folder

One of the most useful features found in text editing software is the search function. By searching using keywords, you can quickly find information that you are looking for rather than referring to the index at the first page and then read the whole chapter. Another handy feature that most of the time you will find accompanying the search is the replace feature. You can find both search and replace feature even on Notepad, the most basic text editing software included in Windows operating systems.
notepad search replace
This search and replace feature is only limited to the text file that is currently opened in Notepad. If you want to automatically replace a word of phrase across multiple text files, there are plenty of third party free software that can do it because it is a very simple operation. For a more sophisticated search and replace that involves multiple lines, it is advisable to use regular expressions to do the job but regex is not easy and something that most people wouldn’t know how to use or even to write a working string.
For a simple replace or removal of multiple text lines, an easy solution that might work for some cases is by using the greedy dot star (.*) to match anything in between. An example is removing the whole HTML head tag from the starting <head> until the closing </head> in HTML files by using the following search syntax:
After testing a bunch of third party search and replace freeware tools, here are 5 that can allow the dot star usage.
1. Notepad++
In our opinion, Notepad++ is one of the best if not the best third party text editing software. Not only can it perform find and replace on opened documents in the program, it can automatically process every file in a directory depending on the filters from the “Find in Files” tab which can be launched by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F.
notepadpp find in files regex
The find syntax shown at the screenshot above will search all HTML files in the desktop folder and remove anything in between the head tags. You will have to ensure that “Regular expression” is selected as the search mode and tick the “. matches newline” checkbox. Clicking the “Replace in Files” button will replace the matching text with the provided text. Alternatively, if you just want to view the matching results, simply click on the “Find All” button.

2. TextCrawler
TextCrawler is one of the best tools to find and replace text across multiple files which can be used by both beginner and advanced users. It has always been freeware until recently where an additional paid Pro version has been added to their list of products, fortunately the free version can perform find and replace using the dot star regular expression.
textcrawler replace multiline
Unlike Notepad++, TextCrawler offers more filters such as exclusion, output to a new file instead of overwriting the original files, replace options, preview, processing of marked files only, and etc.

3. Search & Replace Master
Search & Replace Master was made during the Windows XP era and still works perfectly under Windows 10. Unlike Notepad++ and TextCrawler, it doesn’t use regular expression but instead a more simple wildcard such as an asterisk. It also supports reference by using {$1} which is useful to keep the whole piece of random text intact while inserting or replacing text on other areas.
Since Search & Replace Master recognizes wildcards, a star (asterisk) alone would be the catch all and there is no need to use the dot star regex string. From the screenshot below, anything in between the head tag will be removed.
The program itself is actually portable even though it requires installation. You can just copy the SearchReplaceMaster.exe file and run it from anywhere. The settings including search pattern are also not saved on the computer.

4. Ecobyte Replace Text
A unique feature found in Ecobyte Replace Text is the grouping that allows you to perform multiple search and replace operations at one time. It is quite advanced supporting many features while it is also easy to use at the same time because a few search modes are already included in the program. Unlike most of search and replace programs mentioned in this article that require manually entering the dot star regular expression string, you only need to select the “range search” mode from the advanced edit window.
ecobyte replace text
By using the range search mode, and specifying the begin and end search range, you can easily remove or replace the text that is found in between the specified range. After creating the find and replace rules, you will need to configure the path and files for the program to scan. Another useful feature is the ability to automatically create a backup before making changes.

5. InfoRapid Search & Replace
InfoRapid Search & Replace is the oldest program mentioned in this list as the last version was released 12 years ago and surprisingly still works without problems in Windows 10. After running the program, at the Search tab, enter the dot star (.*) regex string, specify the file extension and the directory to scan, and click Start to find the matching text.
inforapid search replace
To replace or remove the matching text according to the search string, go to the Replace tab, fill up the “Replace with” box or leave it empty if you want to remove, then click the Start button. You will be asked to confirm the replace action on each file and if you find it annoying because you are performing a find and replace on thousands of files, it is possible to disable the confirmation window by simply ticking the “Replace all” checkbox.

10 Free Tools To Save or Print a List of File and Folder Contents

Whether you need to do so for yourself or for someone else, there is sometimes a need to create a listing of the contents of a particular directory, set of directories or a whole drive. With the size of hard drives today, keeping track of all the data files stored on them is handy and it can be useful to catalog file collections and folders so you know what’s buried deep down inside multiple folders as well as what’s in the root folder.
There are very simple ways of doing this without software and one is by using the command “Dir [folder] > File.txt” from the command prompt, but why play around in a DOS window when you don’t have to? Here’s a selection of 10 free tools to save or print out content lists of the files inside your folders in various ways including plain text or an HTML document.
1. Arclab Dir2HTML
Dir2Html is a tool which is free for personal and commercial use and has a number of useful options to aid in the creation and customization of the HTML index file. It supports recursive folder indexing, a simple file mask, create a sub-section for each subfolder, exclude hidden files and folders, include size, date and many other options. The right side of the window allows you to tailor the output HTML file visually and you can add a customized title, alter the font sizes, colors and resize different areas of the output. Dir2Html has a lot of options but many of them you can leave to the defaults if the standard layout is good enough. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7.

2. DirLister
DirLister is quite a simple tool which will give you a file and folder list, including a recursive mode to go into sub directories, and then output the result to an HTML or plain text TXT file. There aren’t many options to configure apart from a simple file mask and the option to include the file sizes or just display the file names. It also creates a right click context menu entry called List Drive which will create and open a file for the directory you click on in the format using the options from the main window. Tested on Windows 7.

Rather strangely this DIR2HTML tool needs installing even though the program itself is a standalone executable file of only 37KB and can easily be made portable. Although the main window is small there are quite a few options crammed in there to tailor the output HTML file to your liking. Recursive directory depth, size, time, date, sort by, size type and a simple file mask are all options that can be used. If you enable the Make Links and Link only Directories boxes the saved HTML file will have a full hyperlink directory structure to browse. Even though it’s from 2001, DIR2HTML worked great on Windows 7 64-bit.
TIP: Make sure to create a separate folder for the HTML file to go in because the program will create a full directory structure for each sub directory included in the list and place an HTML file for the file contents inside each one.

4. Directory List & Print
Directory List & Print
The free version of Directory List & Print is a severely cut down version of its shareware offering and the first thing you will notice about the program is just how many options are grayed out in this version, and you also get a 5 second nag at the start. One of the few things to be usable though which many users could find useful is the option to output the result directly to Word or Excel, or you can print or copy to the clipboard, although even saving to plain text is disabled. There is also the ability to include file sizes, dates, times, attributes and extensions. On testing we found the program to be far slower to process the lists than many of the other smaller and older portable tools available here.

5. Karen’s Directory Printer
Karen's Directory Printer
Directory Printer has been a popular tool for several years for printing and saving file and folder lists because of the sheer amount of options you can configure to get the output to your liking. Both files and folders have 12 bits of information that can be displayed including date, size, attributes, version and specific folder / sub folder details. Also included is a file mask filter that already has 5 common format presets built in for images, music etc. There are various tick box options for hidden / system or read only files, including sub folders in the display and a few file sorting options. The separate Print and Save to disk tabs have a few different options to allow you to set different output styles.
The last couple of things worth a mention are there’s a right click context menu function and the only truly useful output file is a text file. HTML and Excel / Word save options would have probably made Directory Printer almost untouchable in its field. Although it requires installation, you can copy the executable from its folder and use as a portable program. Works on Windows XP and above.
6. JR Directory Printer
JR Directory Printer
JR Directory Printer is a portable 200KB executable that is able to scan your folders and sub folders and then output the resulting list by opening it directly in your default text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++. Size, date and time and attributes can be included / excluded from the list and you can put a limit of the name length or even choose to display DOS style file names. Although JR Directory Printer dates back to 2001 it still works perfectly fine on Windows 7 including 64-bit.

7. DirLister
Not to be confused with the other DirLister program above, this one is by Barrysoft and is a less than a 500KB portable executable with a few additional options users could find useful. These are the output types of the file to be saved because you can save to plain text, an Excel file or an HTML page and also with tab and space separated versions. There’s an option for multiple file masks if for example you want to list different types of music or image etc, and the program is able to scan down into sub folders and include hidden files in the list. The scanning is also pretty fast and a full C drive scan output to HTML file took about 5 seconds. Works on Windows XP to 7.

8. Snap2HTML
Snap2HTML is a portable tool that is able to generate a single HTML file that lists all folders and files that you ask it to. What makes this program a bit different is the great way it creates the HTML file that looks and behaves a lot like Windows Explorer complete with an expandable tree view down the left and also a handy search option. The configuration options are few with only really tick boxes to provide hidden or system files, and the Link files tick box will make all the files into links so you can execute a file directly from the HTML document. Snap2HTML runs on all versions of Windows from 95 upwards.

9. DriveZ
DriveZ is a utility with not much in the way of features or functions, but the fact it’s a small portable executable of only 44KB makes DriveZ an ideal program to have around or as an addition to a USB toolkit. DriveZ does a simple job of creating a list of file and folder names from a specified directory and then copying it to the clipboard. You can choose to include files or folders, remove file extensions or include a file name mask which the MP3 tick box will enter *.mp3 into the Mask box. The Preferences menu gives 1 option which is the useful function of adding a right click Explorer context menu entry for the program. Tested on Windows 7.

10. PrintFolder
The free version of PrintFolder is probably best described as a slightly more advanced version of the DriveZ tool above that needs to be installed. It also cannot recurse into sub directories and instead only shows the top level file and folder contents, but does have the options to include date, time and file size in the list. The Options tab gives a few formatting options such as font size and whether to include lower case names and system folders etc, and the output can be copied to the clipboard, saved to a TXT file or printed. The developer does mention a few bugs in Windows 7 on the website, but the right click context menu option seemed to work fine for us.

List of freeware tools and other releases from The Windows Club

FixWin 10 for Windows 10 is a portable freeware that allows you to fix and repair Windows 10 problems, issues, and annoyances.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10, apart from offering you the usual tweaks, lets you tweak Privacy settings and more.
10AppsManager will let you easily uninstall and reinstall Windows Store apps in Windows 10.
AltPlusTab lets you customize Alt+Tab menu in Windows 10.
Thumbnail and Icon Cache Rebuilder for Windows 10 will purge, clear and delete your Thumbnail and Icon Cache Rebuilder in a click.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is just 340 KB in size and includes over 170 tweaks.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 is a freeware TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7  & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit.
FixWin v1 for Windows 7 is a 529 KB freeware portable application to repair & fix common Windows  and Windows Vista annoyances & issues
FixWin v2 for Windows 8 is a free portable application to repair & fix common Windows annoyances & issues in Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.
Ultimate Windows Customizer lets you customize Windows Explorer, Context Menus, Libraries, Logon Screen, Start Orb, Taskbar, Windows Media Player and many areas of Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Fix IE Utility re-registers all the concerned dll & ocx files required for the smooth operation of Internet Explorer.
Fix WMP Utility is a portable app which re-registers all the concerned Windows Media dll files required for the smooth functioning of Windows Media Player.
Fix MSE Utility is a portable utility which will reset all the Registry and other settings of Microsoft Security  Essentials to its default value. This utility will restore all its registry values & service settings to known good defaults, without re-installing MSE. It also re-registers the concerned .dll and .exe files, required to run MSE properly.
Fix WU Utility will re-register the files, required for the proper functioning of Windows Updates. This utility will re-register a total of 114 .dll,  ocx and .ax files which are required for the proper functioning of Windows Updates.
Windows Themes Installer is a freeware portable utility which allows you to install a theme, remove a theme and restore defaults easily.
Winter White Windows 7 Theme, includes screensaver, cursor set, wintry wallpapers.
Windows 7 Start Button Changer allows you change the Windows 7 Start Orb or Button easily. The program will backup you original explorer.exe, change the start button and restart explorer.exe. To restore the default Start Orb and explorer from the backup, click Restore Original Explorer Backup.
Right-Click Extender for Windows is a freeware utility which allows you to add some important items to the right-click context menu. It allows you to add or remove  many additional options to a Drive, File, Folder, Computer and Desktop’s Right Click Context Menu.
Prevent  stops Cut, Stops Paste, Stops Copy, Stops Delete, Stops Copy To, Stops Move to, Stops Send To,  Prevents renaming, Disables Task Manager’s End Process button. It also grays out the context menu items, disable Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V and/or stops the process.
Windows Access Panel is meant to minimize your trouble in accessing certain programs in Windows.
Handy Shortcuts will help you create the oft-used desktop shortcuts for your Windows desktops easily: Lock WorkStation, Switch Account. Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Hibernate, Show Desktop, Uninstall Programs, Device Manager, Security Center, Windows Defender, Windows DVD maker, etc.
The Windows Feeds Gadget displays the RSS Feeds of The Windows Blog and The Windows Club. Stay abreast with whats happening in the world of Windows!
CleanDesktop is a small portable freeware app which will help you clean up your unused desktop icons, in Windows 8, Windows 7 & Vista. This utility is for those who miss the XP’s wizard.
I’M A PC Themepack and Wallpapers for Windows 7 and Windows 8.
The Complete Windows 7 Shortcuts eBook includes a lot of new keyboard shortcuts that are unknown to a new user. This eBook comprises of more than 200 keyboard shortcuts containing almost all the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Windows 7 and its default programs.
Windows 7 for Beginners eBook which covers topics which would typically interest a novice wanting to start using Windows 7 or a beginner trying to get his hands wet on Windows 7.
Quick Restore Maker is a smart 1-click freeware app for creating a System Restore Point in Windows 10, Windows 8/7 & Vista.
GodMode Creator is a freeware utility which lets you create 38 “GodModes” in Windows 10/8, Windows 7 & Vista, with a click.
SMART (Service Management And RealEasy Tweaking) Utility for Windows 7 is a freeware utility which helps you tweak Windows 7 Services, based on the suggested configurations of BlackVipers.
Context Menu Editor for Windows 8, Windows 7 & Vista. Context Menu Editor is a freeware tweaking utility to add/delete application shortcuts, Win32 commands, files, and website URLs to your desktop and folder context menu.
Quick Clean for Windows 8, Windows 7 & Vista is a freeware tool which lets you  clean up the junk files from your Windows desktop quickly.
Taskbar Thumbnail Tweaker & Resizer for Windows 7 makes Taskbar Previews appear faster or increase taskbar thumbnail preview size easily!
Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Customizer allows you to resize & tweak the Windows 7 taskbar thumbnails left & right, in & out! You can change the size of the thumbnail, its spacing, top, bottom, left, right margins and mouse delay time too!
File Association Fixer v2 for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 will be able to easily help you fix, repair and restore the broken file associations.
File Association Fixer lets you fix file type associations easily, with a click! To fix the association for a particular file type simply click on the file type association icon or name. These pages contain the file association fixes for some of the most common file types. Currently, the app offers 18 fixes for Windows 7 & 26 fixes for Windows Vista
ws Themes Installer is a freeware portable utility which allows you to patch system files, install a theme, remove a theme and restore defaults easily in Windows 7 & Vista.

OneWorld Theme For Windows 7 changes the Task Pane & the Welcome Center too and is thus a ‘first of its kind‘ theme for Windows 7. We may think we are different … of different nationalities … of different color or cultures, but every once in a while we need to be gently reminded that, we are ONE … and ALONE in the Universe.
Royale Blue Theme For Windows Vista is a theme you may want to check out!  Those of you who miss the Royale Blue XP Theme, may want to try this Royale Vista theme.
Windows 7 Regional ThemePack for Asia takes you to a journey in Asia. Visit countries from Japan to Taiwan, from Thailand to India, China to Hong Kong and Malaysia. See if you can recognize the 12 sights. Enjoy the change every hour, every day !
Hide Taskbar lets you hide only the taskbar, and not the Start Button, with a click. Simply download and run the app. Use hotkeys Ctrl+Esc  to hide or un-hide the taskbar.
Windows 7 DreamScene Activator is a small freeware portable app which will allow you to activate DreamScene in Windows 7 too! Those of you who missed the DreamScene feature of Windows Vista  Ultimate, in Windows 7, can now add it easily to Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Windows 7 Folder Background Changer is a freeware portable application which allows you to change the  folder backgrounds in Windows 7. You can also change the color of the text and show shadows under the text and  even apply the same background to all the subfolders!
QRM Plus Manager lets you create restore points, carry out system restore operations & selectively delete system restore points in your Windows computer. You can also add these options to your right-click context menu.
System Restore Manager is a freeware portable utility which allows you to completely manage your Windows system restore points and customize its options. Using this utility, you can even select a Drive and change the maximum amount of disk space to use, System Restore can use, change the System Restore Point Creation Interval, etc.
Start My Day is a first of its kind freeware process launcher for Windows users. Simply put, Start My Day is for those users who hate going through the same process each day, loading this and that.
Create A Shortcut adds the ability for a user, to select where to create a shortcut for a file system object, from anywhere on a users computer.
Sliced Themepack & Wallpaper set for Windows 7 comprises of 7 beautiful abstract wallpapers. Various colors have come together to play with black to bring out a mysterious glazed glass look.
Icon Cache Rebuilder repairs and rebuild a corrupt icon cache in Windows easily in a click.
Windows Logon Notifier lets you create user logon messages for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users easily.
IE 9 Tweaker, which lets you tweak some select settings of Internet Explorer 9 easily. The main feature of IE9 Tweaker is the ability to create your own customized Homepage similar to IE9  About:Tabs page. You can also make IE9 show more rows in the about:tabs page. Please also see IE9 Tweaker Plus.
HomePage Maker, is a freeware portable app that allows you to customize your Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome & Opera browser home page.
Windows Event Viewer Plus is a portable freeware app that lets you view Event Logs faster than the default in-built Windows Event Viewer and also export the Entry to a text file, select the Web Search Button to look up the entry online, to find out more information or troubleshoot errors.
WP7 MarketPlace Enabler allows you to access the MarketPlace from anywhere in the world via your Zune software.
The Ultimate Guide to Speech Recognition in Windows 7 explains everything about a superb feature of Windows 7 which is called as ‘Speech Recognition’. Speech Recognition is a technology which is used for controlling computers using some voice commands and that too, very accurately.
Windows 8 Clock Logon Screensaver for Windows 7 has been inspired by Microsoft’s next version of the Windows operating system.
IE9 Tweaker Plus allows you to tweak, customize and change over 27 settings in Internet Explorer 9 RTM, all from one single window.
C# Tips, Tricks for Beginners eBook will help you learn the basics of C sharp programming, tips, tricks tutorials the easy way.
RegOwnit allows you to take ownership of a Windows Registry key using Administrator, Home Users or the current Logged On User account.
AeroTile is a freeware portable app that adds glassy backgrounds to system folders and places them on your Windows desktop to give you ready access to these folders.
Ease Of Access Replacer replaces Ease of Access button on Windows 7 or Windows 8 Logon Screen with buttons to take out Lock Screen and Logon Screen Screenshot, CMD, Powershell, Registry Editor, Run and Task Manager.
System Folders Customizer lets you add Internet Explorer, important System folders, Control Panel applets to your Computer folder, Libraries and Desktop.
Right Click Restart Explorer is a simple tool that adds Restart explorer to your right-click context menu.
QuickHide hides taskbar processes, programs and applications quickly. And why would you want to do that? Maybe you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing and your dad or Boss comes in … QuickHide could be a life saver – by letting you hide all in a click!
RightClick ReplaceThis allows you to replace files in Windows 7 easily. It is also helpful in cases where Windows will not allow you to replace files which are being used.
Show Desktop Remover is a freeware tool that lets you easily remove and restore the Show Desktop button appearing in the right side of Windows 7 taskbar.
Taskbar Shadow is a small tool that adds a cool drop shadow effect to the Windows 7 taskbar. It  creates a shadow for the taskbar in any position – bottom, top, right or left!
Taskbar Color Effects lets you add Color, Background and Shadow Effects to the Windows 7 Taskbar.
PinToStartMenu adds the ‘Pin to start menu’ item to the context menu of folders and the Control Panel applets and lets you pin Control Panel items and folders to Windows Start Menu, via your right-click context menu.
Disguise Folders is a free tool that lets you camouflage your secret folders and allows you to disguise them as system folders in Windows.
HotShut is a free tiny app which lets you do something very simple. It lets you shutdown, restart, lock or log off your Windows computer instantly from your taskbar notification area.
MailMyFile lets you mail your files to your preferred mail ID, directly quickly and from your right-click context menu.
Web Pinner is a freeware app that can add website links to your Windows 7 desktop’s right-click context menu, quickly and easily.
The Ultimate Laptop Buyers Guide. Planning to buy a new laptop but don’t know which laptop to buy, with so options out there? Unsure if you need a business style laptop or a personal laptop for your home needs? If so, then this Laptop Guide from The Geeks Club is something you definitely want to read.
The Ultimate Tablet PC Buyers Guide. This 40MB guide from The Geeks Club consists of 49 pages will guide you through your decision of buying a Tablet PC.
Metro UI Tweaker for Windows 8 is a freeware tool, designed to allow you to tweak Metro UI settings in Windows 8.

Start Button ToolTip Text Changer will allow you to change the tooltip text of your Start Button or Orb in Windows 7. Feel free to replace the default text ‘Start‘, with any text of your choice, in the text-box. You can replace it with your name or simply choose something witty.
WLM Blocked Sender Tool lets you manage Blocked Senders List in Windows Live Mail. Add, Remove address, export, save, import blocked senders list in Windows Live Mail easily.
Autorun Deleter is a free program which disables and deletes the Autorun.inf virus. If you find that a removable media is infected with the autorun.inf virus, simply run this tool. It will delete the file and make a change in the Windows registry to ensure that it does not appear again.
Balloon Tip Time Changer is a simple tool that lets you customize and set your own time for the balloon tips or Windows notifications to stay open in your taskbar notification area.
Ribbon Icons Customizer will let you change the icons on the Windows 8 explorer. It lets you change even its default icons, with a click.
InstaMailer will allow you to quickly send an email to any email ID using your Hotmail and Gmail accounts. This software will be especially useful in situations where you need to quickly send out mail to someone,and you don’t want go through the process of opening the web interface or your default mail client.
WinMailer is a stand-alone freeware, that will allow you to quickly send an email, along with attachments, to anyone using your Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or any other email account, right from your Windows desktop.
Start Orb Mover will allow you to move the Start Button and the Start Menu to either the center of the Taskbar or far right\bottom, depending on Taskbar location.
Windows 8 Aero Lite Tweaker lets you enable the Aero Lite Glass theme in Windows 8.
WiFi Profile Manager 8 is a simple tool to view your Preferred Wireless Network Profiles in Windows 8. This tool tries to replace the functionality of the Wi-Fi Preferred Network dialog box of Windows 7.
Modern Tile Maker for Windows 8 will allow you to create Modern or Metro style Tiles for Files, Folders, Desktop Programs, Web links and more. The tiles actually appear like a Metro UI tile – similar to how the Metro apps tiles look.
Windows Screen Capture Tool will allow you to capture full screen, selected screen area, windows, web pages and more. You can also add watermarks to your captured screenshot or edit the image using its basic image editor.
PassBox is a handy little tool that will remember all your passwords. It can even suggest or generate strong passwords for your account.
Tile Locker prevent users from pinning, unpinning, rearranging Tiles on Windows 8 Start Screen.
Windows Program Blocker is a free App or Application blocker software to block software from running on Windows.
ScreenOff is a 13KB freeware that lets you turn off your Windows laptop monitor screen manually on-demand in a click, without putting it to Sleep.
Windows Tile Color Changer is freeware for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 allows you to change the color of pinned Tiles of your desktop apps, on your Start Screen.